Let's look back at Y-Space's 2021 activities......
18D Art - Dancing All Around Yuen Long Review
Y-Space's Dancing All Around Yuen Long 2021 Phase 1 and 2 has completed successfully. After the workshops in Phase 1, Y-Space has brought 2 Art and Community Talk, 4 Dancing All Around performances and 10 days of community art exhibition to Kam Tin. We are glad to receive active participation during the events. This could not be accomplished without support of a group of dedicating artists and enthusiastic residents in Kam Tin and Pat Heung.
Art and Community Talk
In the Art and Community Talks, artists an community workers in Kam Tin and Pat Heung are gathered in 2 discussion session. The first session was held in 1983 in Wing Lung Wai. We had Tang Kwok Hin, Daniel Man, Lo Lai Lai, Ringo Tsoi and Teresa Lee as sharing guests, and Karen Cheung as responding guest; the second session was held in Kam Tin Glocal Youth Hub with May Fung, Fung Yu Chuk and Koko Ko as sharing guests, and Tang Kwok Tin as responding guest. They shared their works and experience on community works and art development in Kam Tin. The audiences also joined in to discuss possibilities of community art in Kam Tin.
Dancing All Around Yuen Long and Exhibition
The community art exhibition kicked off in Cheng Ancestral Hall, Shing Man San Tsuen on 26 November. Mandy Yim, Carmen Yu and Ho Ming Yan has presented a site specific dance to note the start of exhibition. Panels were set in Cheng Ancestral Hall to introduce the dance works, exhibits and review the 5 workshops.
The exhibit of Dance and Photography Workshop was led by Pat Chai. He together with Artistic Director Victor Ma, Outreach and Education Director Mandy Yim and workshop students captured distinctive night view of Kam Tin in the midnight. The works are printed out and exhibit in Cheng Ancestral Hall as well as street in Kam Tin. Residents could search for the corresponding location in photos and take photo to claim gift from Y-Space
Pak Chai's photography work《處處錦田是舞台》
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Students of Dance and Ceramic Workshop has expressed their shape of memory with ceramic. Their touching pieces was exhibited in Cheng Ancestral Hall. Wing Lung Wai's 1983 exhibited video work of Tang Kwok Hin, video work of Lo Lai Lai and sculpture of Koko Ko. More works of Koko Ko could be found in KOKO workshop. Another key exhibition site was AuLaw Organic Farm where Liu Kwok Hong, Rebeka Tam and Dance and Visual Art Workshop students' work are located. The exhibits has expressed different perspective of Kam Tin with different media.
KOKO workshop opening to audiences
Installation by Liu Kwok Hong 《畫風景畫是怎樣的一回事?》 |
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One of the installation by Dance and Visual Art Workshop students《隨時》
One of the sculpture by Dance and Ceramic Workshop students《記憶的形狀》 |
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The 4 Dancing All Around performances were held on 27, 28 November and 4, 5 December 2pm to 6pm in Cheng Ancestral Hall, Homecoming and AuLaw Organic Farm. Unfortunately, the outdoor performances and narrative guide in public area was suspended by host 3 days before performances. Y-Space sorted out a new style of giving out map in gathering point after registration. Audiences would search for the performance and exhibition venues themselves. Our performance had to be flexible as different students participated in each session, but this also made each session unique.
Performance by Contemporary and Site Specific Dance Workshop students《Connect with Space》
The site specific dance by students in Cheng Ancestral Hall interacted with audiences with a safe distance; while Dance and Photography students presented a stunning performance with their immense energy.
Performance by Dance and Photography Workshop students《遠方不遠》
Mandy Yim's performance in Wing Lung Wai echos the rich history behind the wall. The live music by Edmund Leung and Jonathan Hung made the performance sublime. Starting from second session the performance was relocated in Cheng Ancestral Hall due to preventive policies. The same energy presented in a new site brought new experiences.
Performance by Mandy Yim《Waiting》
Liu Heung Man's performance on roof of Home coming, a local store, was full of humour. The voices of workers were released with the ballon at the end.
Performance by Liu Heung Man《返工啦尸口中月!》
Audiences were welcomed to AuLaw Organic Farm by the enchanting performance by Jonathan Hung, Edmund Leung and Mandy Yim. Carmen Yu's performance remind us of the nature's spirit around us.
Performance by Carmen Yu《Je5 Cou2》
Performance by Jonathan Hung, Edmund Leung and Mandy Yim《Calling》
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Dance and Visual Art Workshop students' installation was closely connected to the environment. They further explore the connections in space through dance performance while incorporating colourful balloons on their bodies.
Performance by Dance and Visual Art Workshop students《連住》
The ceramic installation in farm field is the "home" of Ho Ming Yan where she interact in different ways according to its growing status in each performance. In the last performance, the "home" shattered, and dancer walked into crowd with the only light source, inspiring us the conflict between protection and breakthrough. Ho Ming Yan also choreographed Dance and Ceramic Workshop students' dance work. Students had their own dance to represent their feeling in home, and they all lie down together at the end, recalling the way we rest at the end of the day.
Performance by Dance and Ceramic Workshop students《居》
Performance by Ho Ming Yan and Ceramic Installation by Rebeka Tam《A Shelter》
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The performance ended with a warm campfire and joyful dance. The audiences had the chance to share nature's gift by purchasing local organic products from AuLaw Organic Farm!
Audience feedback: //好好的體驗,除了欣賞舞蹈外,原來仲帶我地去不同的地點,又介紹圍村歷史、故事,最後是在農場觀賞舞蹈。雖然我不太明白舞者想表達些甚麼,但就很欣賞他們用身體、表情、音樂、聲音去演譯、表達,而且,在廣闊空間去演譯,好特別,我很喜歡。// // 多謝邀請參加這麼精彩的活動,享受一場身心愉悅的盛宴😊💖//
Students feedback: //今次體驗,感受到身體舞動的活力,不需在意自己所展現形態如何,只投入在音樂和環境中,與身邊的人和物接觸互動回應,是另一種強大的交流方式。// //社會作為一個想像體,在各種活動進行中,才有了文化和身分認同;每一個空間,唯當有人聯繫在一起, 才賦予意思。感謝「多空間」給我們的緣份,體會那個難得的「美學空間」(aesthetic space)!!// //雖然時間短短,我也感到自己在自由舞動身體,或拿起手機或相機的時候,多了一點點觸覺和技巧。我也實在感謝同學們的參與,無論是課堂上的身體活動,還是下課後簡短傾談或一起吃飯的時光,那種碰撞交流,增加了我的眼界和生命活力,感謝大家!//
Art critic comments: //現場音樂的引導下演員遊走鄭氏宗祠的角落, 以身體探尋歷史的足跡, 在陽光的普照下, 沿著每一根柱子互相了解彼此之間的動態, 即興音樂的起伏, 使學員的身心靈做出不斷的變化...... ......Mandy的舞蹈總是給人一種靈性和吸引力, 大葵扇拍打身體的同時, 拍打聲帶著獨有的節奏穿梭街道窄巷, 村民無意間的撞入, 小狗無意間的穿插, 形成一幅可一不可再的畫面...... ......活動中有趣的地方在於, 這是一個遊歷, 在不同藝術家狹小的創造空間, 看見無限的宇宙延伸, 就像在浩瀚宇宙中的納米世界。//
Don't worry if you have missed the performance and exhibition! We will be sharing it online soon, please keep an eye on latest news on Y-Space's Facebook Page!
Victor Ma and Mandy Yim, fellowship member of Asian Cultural Council Hong Kong, were invited to produced a performance for their fellowship award ceremony. Together with Edmund Leung, Jonathan Hung, Carmen Yu, Kammy Lau, Charles Huang and Elfin Cheung they produced an immersive site specific dance.
Organic Movement Transformation Training Alumni Meeting
It has been half year since the graduation of second cohort. The students have been staying in close touch and some actively participated in Y-Space activities. They formed an Alumni committee to organise regular meeting where they and gather and exercise together. The first meeting was held on 1 December with Victor Ma leading dance workshop and Jonathan Hung teaching Brazilian Capoeira dance. Members have been very attentive and enjoyed the gathering,
The third cohort is expected to start in mid 2022, course and audition details will be announced on Y-Space website and Facebook Page soon!
Upcoming events in 2022...!
Y-Space is preparing for its next annual theatre production! We are continuing the "Air & Breathe" series to "Air & Breathe III - Ceremony"! It is a blessing to be able to breathe with our beloved, the same goes to every encounter, every chance of creation, every chance to dance...! Under the current pandemic, we grief for our loss, but grateful for being able to .......!
Date: 13-15 May 2022 Venue: Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre
Save the date and see you in theatre! Details and ticking information will be available on Y-Space website and Facebook Page.
Y-Space Regular Course
Y-Space's regular course include intermediate Contemporary Dance and Intermediate Ballet. Students can choose their preferred course on weekly basis. Please feel free to contact our staff for details. Venue:Kwai Chung district(address will be advised)
Enquiry:2470 0511/9173 6252 (Whatsapp)/office@y-space.org
Y-Space Membership
Y-Space is now recruiting 2022's member. Y-Space members may enjoy discount and priority booking of Y-Space activities. Membership benefits may be updated anytime!
Annual fee: $100 (valid till 31 Dec, 2022)
Tel: 2470 0511 Email: office@y-space.org Web: www.y-space.org Facebook: 「多空間」Y-Space WhatsApp: 9331 5421