Dance “IN” Possible!? I,II,III (Classics Restaged) completed successfully
The 6 performances of Dance “IN” Possible!? I,II,III (Classics Restaged) was successfuly concluded in Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre from 23 to 27 Jun 2921. Thanks to the generous support from audiences, the performance was well received and reached full house for some programme. We would like to take this chance to share the amazing stage photos with you all.
Cally Yu (Art critics, Community Arts Curator)
昨天文化生態之難,今天依舊,明天自由之光漏缝貧弱,榨壓更猛,只願創作人繼續尖叫,製造噪音。重演的意義在開航。沉重。 #YSpace 舞可能經典重演之一
楊春江 ( Choreographer, Art Curator)
Live experience of classical “Dance Experimental” from 1999 of HK, reflecting the contemporary dance scene of today? Thx for the “hard”(core) works. Alice Ma Hong Lau Raphael and add oil for the last one! 當劇場還原最窮的時候,便是最無窮?其實一切都是相對的!
Emily(野白) 《孩子戲》Artistic Director & 《野白內觀》Host
《舞 可能》三: 一直理性地迫觀眾思考舞蹈是什麼? 幽默中帶著深邃的反思,舞台由純粹,變成豐富、哲理及多樣化知識,卻仿似看不見舞蹈。但舞蹈又在生活裏、自然裏。 能動即舞? 我說:好像欠了我一場舞蹈!? 《無 可能》一: 在《舞 可能》一裏,我找回那場舞蹈。 一生中第一次為舞蹈而流淚,流了很久很久的眼淚。在短短的劇場空間裏,透過簡潔深刻的舞蹈,我在思考女性、婚姻、內在聲音、生命的光、自主、自由、自困、權力、生命主控權、交出、迷失、民主、政權、暴力、不聆聽⋯⋯⋯ 也想到張愛玲的《傾城之戀》:「一個女人,倘若得不到異性的爱,就也得不到同性的尊重,女人就是這點賤。」在女性生命中,一份無法言喻的悲涼。在這舞台,我看見了!推而廣之,也訴說著一個生命體對依靠與自主的抉擇。 在我腦海裏,我站起來好幾次向Mandy 及 Victor 鞠躬致敬,眼淚是欣賞的眼淚;同時也是感受至深而產生共嗚的淚水。完場後,我與Mandy 擁抱良久。舞台早已訴說了很多,很明白。唯有以抖震的身體來個深刻的擁抱,更勝千言萬語。感謝~ 廿多年前的作品,經過反思、沉澱、轉化,已經不再是作品那麽簡單,她,已經有着她作品本身的生命~ Y-space …… why? 空間….. why 是一場反思!空間是一個修煉道場。 透過「舞蹈」 呈現了生命與內在反思。
C+ (Community Inclusive Art Curator)
18DArt - Dancing All Around @ Yuen Long 2021 Grand Opening
We are excited to announce that Dancing All Around @ Yuen Long 2021 has finally started!! Y-Space has prepared a series of activities to stimulate the combination of arts with daily life. Participants will be able to discover community from a whole new perspective and transform it into their own creation, and ultimately letting art into our life.
Yuen Long district is our focus in this scheme, it has plenty of history and cultural content to be discovered. Artists, choreographers and dancers will lead workshop in different area of Yuen Long. Activities include site-specific performance, community guided tours, community art exhibition, multi-media dance workshops, artist sharing and Dancing All Around Online etc. The programme is divided into 3 phrases to cover different perspective of Yuen Long district and provide comprehensive experience to participants.
The first activity, Community Performance has been a great success in Tin Fai Road Community Hall on 11 Jul, 2021. Victor Ma, Mandy Yim and 4 dancers joint hand to present the history and development of Yuen Long district. The performance that involves the whole hall area and installation are especially well received for the rich experience.
Choreographer and Director: Victor Ma Dancers:Liu Heung Man, Joanathan Hung, Carmen Yu and Ming Yan Ho Live Musician: Edmund Leung
Dance with other media workshops
Following the completion of Opening Performance is the application period of Dance with other media workshops! Artists and dancers are paired up to hold various workshops, participants will be guided to explore different body parts and create through different media. Workshops include Dancing In & Out Yuen Long – Contemporary Dance & Environmental Dance; Exploring Yuen Long the Old and New ; Discovering Yuen Long – Dance Photo Workshop; Made in Yuen Long – Dance & Visual Art Workshop (Yuen Long Making of); Cycling Around Yuen Long – Dance into Community Workshop. All activities are free of charge. Seize this chance to find out more about Yuen Long history and culture!
Organic Movement Transformation Training 2020-2021 Graduation Performance and Exhibition「覺」
The 2nd batch of Organic Movement Transformation Training is close to an end. Over the past year, students have been building up their personal body language by extending their use of different body parts and senses, and connecting them with their past experiences. We are glad to have renowned guest lecturers in the second semester to give students more input. Students have worked hard to complete their personal project and group performance, this year, other than presenting through performance, we have an exhibition showing the transformation products students made as well.
Performance 22, 23, 24 Jul 2021 (Thu, Fri, Sat) Time: 8pm Ticket Price: $100(Y-Space member $90, Full time students, Senior Citizens Aged 60 or Above and People with Disabilities & the Minder $60) Venue : Theatre - Y (Flat B, 3/F, Phase 1, Wah Fung Industrial Centre, 33-39 KWAI FUNG CRESCENT, Kwai Chung)
Exhibition Grand Opening: 17 Jul, 2021, 12 - 1:30 pm Date and Time: 17-21 Jul, 2021, 2 - 10 pm 22-24 Jul, 2021, 2 - 7 pm *25 Jul, 2021, 2 - 10 pm (*With student sharing, please contact staff to reserve seat) 地點︰My-D Workshop (Rm D, 12/F, On Fook Industrial Building, 41-45 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong) Free Entrance
The third batch of OMTT programme is expected to start in 2022, please keep an eye on our website for latest news!
Y-Space Membership
Y-Space is welcoming new members. Members are prioritized to Y-Space activities and are entitled to 10% off.
Annual Membership:HK$50 (Valid till 31 Dec 2021) Enquiry:2470 0511/office@y-space.org
Tel: 2470 0511 Email: office@y-space.org Web: www.y-space.org Facebook: 「多空間」Y-Space WhatsApp: 9331 5421