Things that happen suddenly are in fact not so sudden…
Suddenly is about incidents. There is no logic, only happenings that weave in and out. Harmonious relationships can suddenly turn sour; the mild and the gentle turn rough and brutal; what is beautiful becomes ugly; and what is calm and peaceful is suddenly maniacal…… In life, things make sudden twists and turns and catch us at unawares, but if we look closely, we can find actually there is always a reason, a cause, behind it all……
Production Team
Artistic Director & Choreographer: Victor Choi-wo Ma
Producer & Dancer: Mandy Ming-yin Yim
Dancer: Wen Hui, Louis Huang, Kenneth Sze & KT Yau
Live Music: Sascia Pellegrini
Video Designer: Adrian Yeung
Lighting Designer: Lawmanray
Sound Designer: Him Law
Costume Maker & Coordinator: Kitty Ng
Deputy Stage Manager: Chan Chi Nok
Production Manager & Stage Manager: Tsui Tsz Yee